Showing posts with label The Camellia Slate River On.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Camellia Slate River On.. Show all posts

Monday, November 2, 2015

What's NEW in the Cottage Paint world at The Camellia

What's new in  Cottage Paint? Cottage Paint SERENITY is the new baby. It has excellent mar resistance, adhesion and lay down. Lay down refers to the flattening out once you brush Serenity on. Available in all the same colours as the original Cottage Paint , 50 or more. No top coat required with Serenity. 

Now you can  turn new wood into Barnboard ...with Cottage Paint.

Lovely for making shelving ...Restoration Hardware style shelving. 

New is URBAN Paint - for that contemporary Loft style, you can paint furniture, brick, and even do a dramatic feature wall. 

This is an old wooden frame with plaster mouldings, in perfect shape. The BEFORE.

The AFTER. Painted with Cottage White (part of the Cottage Paint Whites) 

Painting upholstery with Cottage Paint....

The AFTER - we'll post a better photo later. The legs were painted with Turquoise to match the stripes, the finish looks and feels like leather. We finished with a satin wax. Want to know more? Come into our store, the Camellia, we have a large selection of Cottage/chalky Paint, you can also take classes, and of course, our advice is free. 

The Camellia, 30 Hacquoil Rd. Slate River, On. 
Proud to be part of the Gems of Thunder Bay.
Open Wed. 11-5, Thurs. 12-5. Fri 11-5, Sat 11-5, Sun. 12-5

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Coping with Mosquitoes in the Garden, at Home,and at Camp

How many of you wait all Winter long, longing for green grass and the chance to Garden, then you get all that rain and muggy heat, and the bugs come out of hibernation. They are very annoying as after all, they are hungry, and you make a good meal. Click on this link for advice:

And then you get that first Mosquito or Blackfly bite, or worse yet, a Tick. Since our Golden died last Fall and we are dogless, we have noticed way less ticks making their way into the house. Benji had really long belly fur, and the ticks just loved hitching a ride. Guinea Fowl will eat up all the ticks in your yard, I tried to rent my friend's guinea fowl, bit we'll save that story for some other time. 

Of course, all of us are anxious to get our gardens planted, and bugs love hanging around churned up dirt and manure. 

Photo taken at DeBruins' Greenhouses, Highway 61. 

We march outside, spurred on by visions of fabulous Gardens on HGTV, determined to get everything planted ( instead of what we normally do - buy plants like crazy, leave plants to wither away in their tiny packs). I know you don't do this, but  in my household, well, that's another story. 
A few steps outside, and the dratted things start buzzing around in our hair, and we rush back into the house, in defeat. 

A great all-natural Bug spray by Beekman 1802 will help.  No nasty chemicals here, no DEET. This Bug spray is loaded with essential oils that bugs hate. This is the same blend of Beekman 1802 Bug repellent oils that has been featured in Vogue & Apartment Therapy. 

And in Northern Ontario, it's not like in the movies, where the girl prances around in very short shorts, and sleeveless tops. Cover up, wear long-sleeved cotton shirts, and long cotton pants. When I lived in South America, during rainy season, there is an annoying bug that bites like crazy, so when ever we went on field trips into the bush, it was full Safari gear, no skin left uncovered, hats, socks, boots, all in 95 degrees F and high humidity. Can you imagine how hot we were?

And if you do get bitten, use Breakout Buster which we sell at our store, the Camellia. This product is from the Rocky Mountain Soap Company, Put it on right away as soon as you get a bite,  it stops the itching and swelling is a lot less. $9.50. 

If you have a camp or Cottage, an essential item is  a Mosquito Net. These have been used in the Caribbean and in most tropical countries, because they work . 

Hang a Mosquito Net over the bed. Net tucks in between mattress and frame of bed. Leave an opening in case you have to get up to go to the bathroom ( most of you who are not used to sleeping with a net will forget about it and pull the whole thing down on themselves, of course being asleep does not help!) Ours fit up to a queen sized bed, priced at  $39.95, they come complete with a hoop which is folded up in the package and like magic, springs up into full size upon opening, so yes, we can ship Mosquito nets within Canada. 

How do you cope with Bug season? 
Visit The Camellia, 30, Hacquoil Rd. Slate River, Ontario
Open Wed. 11-5, Thurs. 12-6, Fri. and Sat. 11-5, Sun. 12-5
South on Hwy. 61, left on Hacquoil Rd. We are on the LHS, #30/32