Hello! It's Summer in Slate River Valley. We are enjoying some beautiful Summer weather and we should be laying around on the patio, reading a book, and enjoying ourselves, with a glass of Lavender lemonade or wine. Wait a second, you said, you're not laying around? But why not? You've waited all Winter for Summer!
You reply:
THE GARDEN! Someone has to plant it, all the planters have to be planted and watered. The lawn needs cutting. Take a look at Thomas Jefferson's Kitchen Garden in the above photo, at Monticello. He didn't do it all by himself, he had workers. When one of our kids was little, he loved to mow the grass...he would be begging to use the lawnmower with snow on the ground. That did not last! Maybe it's time to hire a company to do yardwork, or bribe someone else to do it...
HOME RENOVATIONS! Your Kitchen may have needed Renovating years ago, and you put it off, until finally, this is the year. You order flooring, look at a million paint samples, and you press on. Of course, you've forgotten that you are still using the kitchen every mealtime...and now, the contents of your cupboards are in boxes, and you can't find anything.
We may run a Kitchen Cabinet Class, so let us know if you are interested, just click, reply on this email. We are repainting our Oak kitchen cabinets, as we speak. Here they are below, you can see our Before (Oak) doors, the uppers are being painted white, and the lowers will be Asphalt Grey Cottage Paint. See that white door, can you believe that is the same oak door as the door behind it?

KIDS ACTIVITIES AND YOUR JOBS. Ever wonder why you can't get stuff done? You are at work all week, then the weekend comes, your kids are in Hockey or Soccer, and you spend most of your weekends out of town at Tournaments. Let's not mention cleaning your Home, laundry, etc. Then Monday comes all too quickly, and you walk into work, wondering what fresh hell awaits you this week.
Decide what is most important on your To-Do list.
If you're planning on painting your Furniture or your cabinets, plan it around a long weekend, head to our store, the Camellia, to get colour advice and help.
If jobs are being piled on your head, stop, and blow your Horn ( just like you do when you're in traffic and some idiot pulls ahead of you and puts you in danger). Speak up and let people around you know what you are willing to do, and what is clearly their job. ASK FOR HELP.
Set aside an hour every day to sit outside, without feeling guilty. Work will always be there. Summer in Northern Ontario is fleeting. Take some time for yourself, and treat you skin to our Goats Milk Lavender products from White Oak Lavender Farm!

Your Home, your way, get the look with Cottage Paint and DIY advice from The Camellia.
Visit our store at 30, Hacquoil Rd. Slate River. Open Wed. 11-5, Thurs. 12-5, Fri. and Sat. 11-5, and Sunday: Noon to 5.
p. (807) 475-3551
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