Hello! With all the heat we have had this Summer, it is a relief to enjoy some cooler nights. This is the perfect time to harvest your Flowers and Veggies, and to finish up all those Cottage Paint projects you started.
WED. 11-5, THURS. 12-5, FRI. 11-5, SAT. 11-5p. We are OPEN now until Friday, August 20th. 2021.

Fall is the best time to go for a hike and forage for dried branches, grasses, and ferns ! Some of you have been drying your blooms from your cutting Garden, and then hanging them upside down to dry. We have been picking branches and preserving them in glycerin, which keeps the leaves pliable and turns them a beautiful shade of brown. Foraging in Nature is very rewarding, and a great stress-reliever.
We just received new Clara Clark sheets ( Lavender, Eggplant, and Pink in stock now, along with other colours) in 1800 TC queen size. Lime is now available in Queen size ( before it was only available in Twin size), we order once a month, next order deadline is Sept.18th. Phone us at 807-475-3551. Click here to see all the colours and sizes, https://www.claraclarkcanada.com/1800tc-sheets
----------------------------------STAYING SAFE
We are OPEN. Open Wednesday through to Saturday ( we may take some Sundays off during Summer). There are 2 of us here, and we have had both of our vaccinations.
You can purchase and shop for Paint, Handmade items and Floral, and some Bedding online at our new website: https://iwindowshop.ca/
Follow us on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/camelliafromnaturetohome/
Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/The-Camellia-From-Nature-to-Home-145600168837975