Winter - for some of us, the word equates with cold, dry skin, bleeding noses, dry eyes and a whole lotta "I hate Winter!". Especially when the temperature hits -30 or -40 C. Some of us get so fed-up that we head to the airport and head SOUTH!
Here we are at Playa del Carmen...a short hop from Thunder Bay on a direct flight with Sunwing. Sun, sand, Beach and living plants, Vitamin Sea, as they say. Our oh-so-dry winter skin started to feel much better as soon as we stepped into all that warmth! and let's not forget, moisture and humidity.
Lovely view from the Breakfast Room - that is a not a mural, but a real, live Coconut Palm tree outside the window. ( At Viva Wyndham Maya Resort, Mexico).
What our skin is lacking in the Winter is moisture....the plants in the above photo are getting misted, creating a moist environment in which tropical plants can flourish. It is difficult to get moisture in Winter, indoor heating systems make everything dry, and even with a humidifier on, our skin is always dry. Why do we live in a place where the air hurts your face when you go outside? Hah...that's a good question.!
Of course it goes without saying that we need to drink lots of water - but don't you find it difficult to chug 8-10 glasses of water per day? You can also drink hot liquids, and you can juice your fav fruits and veggies. #BlissCafe offers classes in Juicing.
Here is one of the delicious juices you can make yourself , this is a Class at Bliss Cafe in Thunder Bay.
Teas made from Mints grown in your Garden are great for sipping during Winter.
Even though it's Winter you should still be going swimming and going to the sauna is a must. There are a few pools in Thunder Bay that use Bromine and not chlorine. Great for those of you who cannot stand the smell and the itching from swimming in chlorine. Click on the following link to get some more ideas on Hydration from Ste. Anne's Spa in Grafton, Ontario.

Here are our fav Skincare products that get us through a Northwestern Ontario winter! Rocky Mountain Dry skin Butter, Rocky Mountain Foot Butter, No-Crack Hand cream, and Rocky Mountain Breakout Buster. You can buy these Rocky Mountain soap products here at the Camellia, at 30, Hacquoil Rd.
Our winter skincare Kit makes a great Valentine's Day Gift, something that is appreciated all winter long. We especially are crazy about White Oak's Lavender Deep Muscle Jelly, which smells divine and helps with muscle pain. Beekman 1802 Goat's Milk soap is very hydrating for Winter skin. Call us at 475-3551 to order or toll-free at 1-877-523-7444, we deliver Valentine's Day gifts in Thunder Bay and Slate River.
The Camellia, 30, Hacquoil Rd. Open Wednesday through Sunday.