Friday, April 5, 2013

Opening Day at Spring Home & Garden Show, 2013, Thunder Bay, On

Today was the Opening Day of the 15th Spring home & Garden show at the C.L.E grounds and Lowery's Sportsdome. Many Visitors came today, to be Inspired by all the exciting Spring/Summer displays, and to buy lovely things for the Spring to come!

 Inspire Me! Cheery yellow of Sunflowers from my last year's Garden...

 We have Hydrangea Wreaths for sale at the show.

 That nice Sunflower yellow in Purses, displayed against moss green.

Garden signs made from stainless, which means they will not rust. Sold, but we will take orders.

 Tamarack wreath with metal bucket and Spring Floral insert. after spring, remove daffodils, and insert Pansies or peonies. One Wreath base, with endless seasonal looks.

 Epol purses, rugged and practical.

 Wicker Baskets for growing Strawberries, with instructions!

 Butterfly....made from Aluminium.   Hand made by Elaina, a talented Artisan.

Great gift for a shower, 400 thread count pillowcases.

 Creekside Nursuries.

Boreal Tree Services.

All products featured in this post can be found at The Camellia's booth at the Spring Home & Garden show, CLE grounds. Saturday hours are from 10-6/ Sunday 11-4p.
The best time to buy Spring/Summer is now !

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Easter Fuzzie-Wuzzies, The Camellia, Thunder Bay, On

 It's almost Easter! Time for Rabbits hip-hopping along and funny Easter jokes. Why couldn't the rabbit fly home for Easter?
He didn't have the hare fare!   
  The flower above is a Camellia blossom. We so wish they would bloom here!

Hand-made Tulip Square - just in time for your Easter table. Buy online here at

So what if there's still snow on the ground! It's Spring, look at this lovely quilt! Come visit The Camellia to purchase in store or shop online at

 Bunches of Gomphrena which we grew last Summer, drying on the porch.

 These were made into a lovely wreath, with dusty miller as the base. We have 2 available for sale.

 New Spring purses have arrived, look at those colours!

I can see this with white jeans, and a navy yellow!

Easter is coming....don't forget to order Flowers . Call 807)475-3551, or toll-free in Canada 1-877-523-7444.

You can also order on-line at

 Don't forget to add a fuzzie-wuzzie..they are so cute.

 Send Spring potted bulbs.

These stars are so Jeanne D'arc looking. Stars are not only for use at Christmas. Buy these and other goodies at The Camellia.

Open Wed. 11-5, Thur. 12-6. Fri. check for hours. Sat. 11-4. Sun. 12 -5.
30 Hacquoil Rd., South on Hwy. 61, left on Hacquoil Rd.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day! The Camellia, Thunder Bay, On

Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone! And it's a special one for me also as this was the day one of my siblings was born on! Wondering who gets a holiday tomorrow to celebrate this day? 

This day is known for the colour GREEN - one of our favourite colours here at The Camellia. so today we will just talk about all things Green!

The green of Hostas in the Summertime.

The green of Lemon Thyme, this patch creeps and gets bigger every year. No-on complains though, as fresh herbs add great flavour to summer meals.

The green of leaves, without leaves, we would not have flowers.

The green of Hops, which grows like crazy outside my back door. Which reminds me, I was supposed to make Sleep pillows with these.

The green of Grass, which a lot of sheep, and cows, and goats depend on .

The green of this hummingbird, shining in the sun.

The green of growing plants, in a green house in Holland.

And the green of leaves, which complement our Flowers nicely.

Of course, since we're crazy for green, we have lots of Spring purses, Door wreaths, etc. in Green. 
Come visit us the Camellia today, at 30, Hacquoil Rd. South on Hwy. 61, left on Hacquoil Rd.
Open, Sun. March 17, 2013 , 12-5p. Open Wednesday through Sunday.
Wed. Fri. Sat. 11-5. Thurs. 12-6. Fri. 11-6. Sun. 12-5.

Happy St. Paddy's Day!!

See us at the 15th Spring Home & Garden show at the CLE & the Lowery's Sports Dome coming up April 5, 6, 7 th. !!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Spring Fever, The Camellia, Thunder Bay

 It's Spring Fever Thyme!! Some of us are tired of Winter, and want the snow and the grey to GO AWAY!  Today we're sharing Spring Flowers with you, Flowers are Magical. They transport us to SPRING!!

 These vases are Bulb forcers , very popular in Holland, when Tulipmania was on.

 Forsythia Blossoms ...softening the lines of this houseboat. You should plan to visit Holland in the Spring thyme, there are flowers everywhere.

 Tulips and muscari , at the entrance to Keukenhof Gardens, Lisse, Holland.

 Paperwhites..... they smell wonderful.

 Green moss....we love moss, and use them in a lot of our floral designs.

 Ranunculus blooms  - one of my favourites.

 Star of Bethelem (the tall bunch to the left), such a long-lasting bloom.

 Simplicity .

Have an old Fiat laying around? Plant it up!

We are busy making up Spring Wreaths to decorate your Doorways. Visit The Camellia at 30 , Hacquoil Rd., Oliver Paipoonge, Thunder Bay.
Open Wednesday through Sunday.
Wed. Fri. Sat. 11-5
Thurs. Sun. 12-5

P-807) 475-3551

Monday, February 25, 2013

Time to Plant, The Camellia, Thunder Bay, On

It's almost time to start planting seeds for Garden blooms! Do you start your own plants from seed, or do you buy most of your plants from a Greenhouse?  Plants are so rewarding...just plant, water, fertilize, and voila! They reward you with endless blooms all summer long!

Using the right soil mix for starting seeds is a must. Are you starting your seeds in your house? Once they sprout, watch that plants don't get too leggy as they stretch towards the light. You can also transfer plants to outdoor cold frames, depending on the type of plant, and the temperatures outside.

Pansies are one of my favourites, looks like a master painter painted their petals. and they can take colder temperatures.

Of course, Morning glories are nice too.

And Dahlias are nice too!


Don't forget to plant some flowers for your Cutting Garden.
Visit The Camellia, 30 Hacquoil Rd.
Thunder Bay, On

Monday, February 18, 2013

All work and no play, The Camellia, Thunder Bay

 Hello all! Some days you just want to eat all the sweet stuff...... for Breakfast! Why not?

 Play all day, to heck with the piles of work!

 KLM , take me away!! Do you have thoughts of running away from it all?

 Would love to sniff in a L'Occitane shop, the Verbena , the Lavender......

 Tulips make anyone feel better! Go get a bunch for your desk, and make up a love note from a secret admirer.

 More Tulips...sigh..

Go on, Take a break! You deserve it, a cup of tea, some caramel cheesecake from the first photo. Yes!! 

Note that we will be closed and will reopen on Wed. Feb. 27th. 2013.
The Camellia
30 Hacquoil Rd.