Sunday, January 7, 2018

Pinterest predicts Sage as the 2018 colour for Cabinets

pinterest trends 2018 kitchens
Image via Pinterest. 

Is 2018 the year you want to Renovate your Kitchen? How do you go from a dream to making a New Kitchen happen? Some of us may be stuck in arguments, in trying to persuade your partner to undertake a Kitchen Reno...and you cannot get beyond the argument stage. How do you move onto the Planning and executing stage of a Kitchen Reno.? Persevere. Choose colours of cabinets, counters, walls and backsplash, and don't forget about Flooring. Price out your Renovation. Then start talking. It's easier to talk when you have estimated dollar costs down on paper.   If you have cabinets that are in good shape, perhaps Oak from 30 years ago, the most economical solution is to paint your Kitchen Cabinets. We sell Cottage Paint - Serenity - here at the Camellia. This is the perfect paint for your cabinets. You clean with our Cottage Paint cleaner, then follow up with 1 coat of paint, then a second coat of paint the next day, and you're done!

air plants at The Camellia

A Sage palette draws its inspiration from the green of air plants. 

succulents at The Camellia

The colour Sage can be found in succulent plants. 

cottage paint at The Camellia

Most cabinets are repainted with  White, Cottage White ( shown in above photo), Greys , greiges and blacks. Neutrals are always a safe choice for resale value. Do visit us here at The Camellia for help with picking colours for your Kitchen. Click on this link to see a selection of colours in #CottagePaint

Cottage Paint clean 'n prep at the Camellia

Let's talk about  very Important things first - Cleaning your doors by spraying them with Cottage Paint Furniture Clean 'n Prep. Spray your door with Clean 'n Prep, leave for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then wipe with a clean, non-linting rag. Cleaning is extremely important as paint will not stick to a contaminated surface, and Kitchen cupboards take a lot of abuse on a daily basis. Check out the mess on the rag below. 

Cottage Paint cleanerCottage paint at The Camellia

Here is a gallon of Cottage Paint Serenity. This amount is usually enough for most normal sized Kitchens. It is applied using a microfibre roller and a Cottage Paint brush. 

paint oak cabinets with Cottage Paint

Here is a Kitchen (Oak) Renovation in progress. This is the stage where the homeowner is trying to decide on what colour to paint the cabinets. On the left is Black, on the right is a Maple door painted Beechwood. Visit The Camellia for help in painting your Kitchen or Bathroom cabinets. Buy Kitchen cabinet paint here

The Camellia, 30/32 Hacquoil Rd. Slate River, Thunder Bay, On 
p (807)475-3551