Thank you to all of our loyal customers ! Here's a peek at some visitors shopping at the store today, and their lovely vintage convertible.
What better Summer treat is there than to drive in a convertible, and to let the wind blow through your hair? Today was a perfect day for a Drive, Sunny and not too hot!
Everyone raves about out Water -repellent, stain resistant tablecloths, perfect for indoors or out.
Available in rounds and rectangles, in a variety of fabrics and colours.
Our chicken drinker bud vase, good for tiny tubular blooms.
Here's the chicken drinker filled with Black magic petunia blooms, a new variety of petunia.
The Iris by our Pond is just starting to bloom. Spectacular blues and purples.
The blooms look hand painted, they are so delicate and colourful.
Open: Thursday: 12.30 -6p
Friday 12-6p and Saturday 11-5p
Sunday Noon -5p.
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